Dana Trezziova
The implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 in the Czech Republic and the associated challeng
Milos Poliak
The implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 in the Czech Republic and the associated challeng
Petr Dovolil
Public service contracts in passenger transport - challenge for cost-efficient, high-quality service
Marketing Wiener Linien
Marcus Platts
Launching Robust and Reliable Ticketing Systems for Public Transportation presentation
Martin Chval, Richard Walitza
Bezkontaktní odbavení cestujících, NFC technologie ve veřejné dopravě
Robert Dangl
Public transport priority in Vienna: achievements, problems and possible solutions
Jaroslav Martinek
Bike & Ride
Petr Macejka, Vitezslav Kuta
21st century municipal public transport in the eyes of passengers (public vs private transportation)
Jaromir Holec, Kvetoslav Havlik
Představení centrálního dispečinku IDS Jihomoravského kraje
Manfred Retka
Inter-modal Real-time Passenger Information and Managed Transfer Availability in Public Transport
Steffen Dutsch
Možnosti preference MHD v provozu
Daniel Sestak, Mark Finer
Quality Bus Corridors – Passenger Priority
Paul Gwynn, Milan Gutter
Integrated Communication for integrated Passenger Transport
Peter Janus
Trakce závislá vs. nezávislá
Herve Mazzoni
Tram on tyres
Pavel Novak
Využití pohonu CNG u autobusů
Mikolaj Bartlomiejczyk, Marcin Polom
Alternative power systems for trolleybuses
Wolfgang Presinger
Od hybridního autobusu a trolejbusu k elektrobusu
Petr Kasencak
Alternative drive systems for non-rail public transport vehicles
Gunter Mackinger
Projekt EU – TROLLEY (Trolejbus jako příklad efektivní a ekologické e-mobility)
Roman Srp
The development of electronic ticketing systems for passengers in Czech public transportation