Patrick van Egmond

Patrick van Egmond |cms_escape

Patrick van Egmond is an expert in Urban Mobility and Public transport issues. Patrick has a MSc degree from the Free University of Amsterdam in Economics, specialization Business and Transport Economics (2001).

He manages several expert teams in local transport and sustainable mobility projects both in Europe and Africa. In the frame of TRACE (H2020) he is responsible for the evaluation of a number of smart technologies used for the promotion of sustainable mobility and multimodal transport. Among other through the FP7 project NODES (Design of public transport interchanges) he developed together with the UITP (International Union of Public transport) and the Dutch National Railways (NS) a set of tools for improved station design, construction and upgrading. Originated in the Netherlands they introduced the Station Experience monitor in 7 European Countries, a quality monitoring methodology and management instrument that puts the customer central at the decision making processes of an interchange manager.

His earlier positions include member of the Presidency office at the public transport authority TISSEO in Toulouse (France). Here he has been working among other on a feasibility study for an urban freight center and a multimodal transport policy. Earlier Patrick has been working as a transport economist for TIS.PT a consultancy and research firm in Lisbon (Portugal).