Jaroslav graduated from Brno University of Technology’s Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Structures and Traffic Constructions, with a degree in road and urban transport engineering in 1993. He then spent four years on the City Council in Olomouc, where he primarily focused on the development of cycling. Since 1997 he has worked at the Transport Research Centre, presently as the Head of Non-Motorised Transportation with a specialisation in developing cycling in the Czech Republic. In 2009 the Minister of Transportation appointed him National Coordinator for the Development of Bicycle Transportation in the Czech Republic; he continues to hold this position.
His work has included projects and work for the Ministry of Transportation, primarily in preparing the National Strategy for the Development of Bicycle Transportation in the Czech Republic. He is strongly contributing to the implementation of this strategy and offering coordination and methodology assistance to regions and municipalities. He participated in creating the publications “The Development of Bicycle Transportation in the Czech Republic – Part II” (2001) and “Bicycle strategy: Aims, implementation, outlooks” (2005), as well as the methodology paper “21 pillars for cycling infrastructure” (2007) and the methodologies “Cycling infrastructure and specific aspects” (2008) and “Auxiliary cycling infrastructure” (2010). He holds regular national conferences on cycling. He is currently also the coordinator of the international project Central MeetBike.