Louise Porter is a qualified Transport Planner with over 15 years experience of working in the transport planning field within UK local Authorities.
Her current role is with the West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (Metro), which is the Local Integrated Transport Authority for the region of West Yorkshire, located in Northern England. Louise currently holds the position of Programme Manager for the Leeds NGT Trolleybus Project.
This role involves contributing to the development and delivery of a €310 million Trolleybus system for the city of Leeds, a city which has a population of over 750,000 but does not currently have any form of Rapid Transit system.
The trolleybus system which is known as Leeds New Generation Transport (NGT),will be the first modern trolleybus system in the UK. Previous UK trolleybus systems were removed over 30 years ago.
Louise’s role includes managing the development and delivery programme for the trolleybus scheme, ensuring risks and costs are controlled and overseeing all engagement and consultation with members of the public and other key stakeholders.