Laura Delgado

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Laura Delgado lived and went to school in Madrid until she was 17, when she finished school in Arkansas in 1995. She returned to Madrid and graduated as Civil Engineer in 2002, receiving her Master’s Degree in Sustainable Mobility. In 2006 she started to work at the Madrid Public Transport Authority (Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid, CRTM), where she has been working in the Studies and Planning Department.
At CRTM she is responsible for the European projects CRTM is involved in, such as the EBSF project “European Bus System of the Future”, and coordinates urban sustainable mobility issues promoted from CRTM in collaboration with the councils of the Madrid region. She is also involved with international associations (UITP, EMTA) and works with the External Relations Department to host international delegations visiting the public transport system in Madrid.