Vojtěch Novotný

Vojtěch Novotný has been working for the Prague Integrated Regional Transport Authority (ROPID) since 2011. Since 2017, he has served as Head of Policy Development, Projects, and Project Management.

He was a member of the working group that drafted the Sustainable Mobility Plan for the City Prague and the surrounding area and led a project to develop the standards for the transfer nodes and stops in the Prague Integrated Transport (PID) network's overground transport system. He is involved in the policy development and design of public traffic priority measures, drafting legislative proposals to support public traffic priority, and developing the PID Transport Plan.

He also participates in various implementation and research projects in public transport, including e.g. the projects entitled "Utilising Mobile Operators' Signaling Data for Transport Planning" and "Manual for Developing Public Spaces in the Capital City of Prague".